Thursday, October 6, 2011

The beggining of greatness!

Soooooo, today. I wasn't exactly sure what we were going to do, and I was super exhausted from the week of school, so I wasn't expecting much out of the period. It turns out, however, we somehow all got "into the rhythm" and wrote a song in about 20 minutes!
It started out as just a normal jam sesh, then I said, "hey Alex, play some simple chords." And so he did.
What he was playing just let me get into the rhythm, and I started drumming on the bongo to the beat. Soon after, Christian started singing just straight notes for the melody. It sounded so cool that we decided to start writing lyrics for this new song. WE HAVENT EVEN NAMED IT YET!
So, after we had completed a verse and a chorus, Mr. Matthys came into our practice room and said, "play for me." And so, we did.
He liked it so much! It felt really good to know that what you are making is something people will actually like.
I am so glad we have this google 20% project. It lets me forget all about the stresses at home and at school and lets me just expand my curiosity and creativity with two of my closest friends.

P.S. Click on the link in the post below and please give us some constructive criticism on our rough draft.

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