Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hey everyone, Chocowalla here

Where do I begin? Hmmmm. I guess I'll start with just how EXCITED I am for this 20% project! This project is going to help me and my friends here on this blog grow as musicians and also expand our curiosity. Someone once said "Students start school as question marks and come out as periods." I believe this is because schools force students to learn certain subjects and leave no room for students to learn what they actually are curious about. This 20% project is certainly the start of something big! It will allow students to do WHATEVER THEY WANT! We will grow for sure!Me and my fellow companions here, Alex (Kayute) and Christian (Chicobrohe) Smith have decided that we are going to use our already-created band, Beacon Hill, to our advantage. We are going to all collaborate and finally write a song!
However, we aren't just stopping at that. We are all going to be focusing on different aspects of the song writing/producing journey we are about to embark on. For instance, Christian is going to be focusing on lyrical and song structure, while i focus on recording, mixing and producing!

Hope you liked my post! If you (the reader) have any suggestions or comments, please, feel free to email us at


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